Savings / ISA

Cash ISA best buys – including 5.08% easy access and 4.94% for 1 year fixed rate

Cash ISA rates have started to steady as we enter the summer months, but still remain a good option if you’re looking to keep all or some of your savings balances free from tax deductions.

With interest rates on savings accounts soaring during the last tax year, more and more people are concerned that they will exceed their annual personal savings allowance (PSA).

While interest rates were in the doldrums it wasn’t an issue for many savers, but now it’s very different and people are once again switching some of their cash to ISAs to reduce their exposure to the tax man.

Currently a basic rate taxpayer can earn £1000 of interest totally tax free per year and for higher rate taxpayers the limit is £500.

If you’re still looking for a home for your tax free savings these are currently a selection of the best buy deals (correct as at 12th July 2024)

Easy Access with no withdrawal restrictions:

1 Year Fixed Rate ISA – no access:

2 Year Fixed Rate ISA – no access:

For all the latest personal savings and cash ISA best buy accounts – check here

Information correct as at 14th June 2024

All the above accounts are covered by the Financial Services Compensation Scheme up to £85,000 per person

2 thoughts on “Cash ISA best buys – including 5.08% easy access and 4.94% for 1 year fixed rate”

    • Hi Herbert – which ISA product were you thinking of applying for? – if you let me know I will check to see if postal applications are permitted.

      Many thanks



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